Job Posting

Job Opening Information CTE-PARAPROFESSIONAL - Building Wide & Intro to Transportation Technology, Full-time, 10 months/yr.

Job Number
Application Deadline
Position Start Date

Position Title
CTE-PARAPROFESSIONAL - Building Wide & Intro to Transportation Technology, Full-time, 10 months/yr.
Required Application Type
School Related Personnel
Salary/Pay Scale
$16.25 - $20.75 / Hour, Based on Experience
Job Description

For the 2024 - 2025 School Year (starting August 27, 2024)


  1. Reinforce/support instruction in all assigned Middle Skills classrooms. 
  2. Assist/supervise Middle Skills Course projects with teacher guidance. 
  3. Provide instructional support to individuals in small groups to assure learning and skill reinforcement with teacher guidance. 
  4. Assist classroom teachers in the planning of fieldtrips, guest speakers, and other project based learning tasks. 
  5. Assist classroom teachers in the daily, weekly, and unit planning for student instruction. 
  6. Assist classroom with teacher guidance in providing students with feedback on daily and unit assessments as part of the instructional program or assist the teacher in the implementation of the classroom management plan and monitoring student behavior. 
  7. All others as identified by CTE Administration.
Civil Service Title
Teacher Aide or Student Behavior Asst. (Non-Comp)
Job Qualifications

Must possess or meet requirements for Civil Service title of Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aide or School Aide. 

School Aide -  No education qualifications, **;

Teacher Aide - One (1) year of full-time or its part-time equivalent paid or volunteer equivalent experience working in a clerical capacity; OR One (1) year of full-time or its part-time equivalent paid or volunteer equivalent experience working with children; OR, Possession of a certificate of completion for a course for Child Care through an occupational school, The American Red Cross or similar agency, **;

Student Behavioral Assistant - Two (2) years of full-time paid or the part-time equivalent experience involving the supervision, counseling or instruction of children in a school facility, institution or agency devoted to the care, education, rehabilitation or detention of children; OR Graduation from a regionally accredited or NYS registered college or university with an Associate's degree or completion of 60 credit hours.

              **Minimum of two years trade experience middle skills industry and transportation trades preferred**

Application Procedure

To apply:

1)  Register to create a new account:

2)  Complete the Required Application Type for the position (refer to the top of the posting).  

3)  Once the application type is completed, find the job posting under Job Opportunities.  Click 'Apply Now' at the bottom of the posting.

*You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully applied to the job posting.

Job Category
Job Location
District Wide

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